FCT Provides CIÊNCIAVITAE Platform Webinar to UAb
22 November, 2024
Talissa Anger and Sara Dias, science managers at FCT’s digital services unit FCCN, conducted an online training session on November 20 for Universidade Aberta (UAb). The session was attended by 41 participants and aimed to equip UAb faculty, students, and researchers with the skills to use CIÊNCIAVITAE, a digital service provided by FCT. | |
FCT representada no webinar ORCID in the Wild
22 November, 2024
No dia 20 de novembro, Cátia Laranjeira, gestora do PTCRIS, serviço digital da FCT, desenvolvido pela FCCN, participou no webinar ORCID in the Wild, uma iniciativa da ORCID que destaca como esta plataforma é adotada globalmente. Nesta sessão, foi apresentado o trabalho da FCT na utilização do ORCID para apoiar investigadores portugueses, reduzindo a carga administrativa para que se concentrem no essencial. Em destaque esteve o PTCRISync e o seu papel na sincronização de dados entre o CIÊNCIAVITAE e o ORCID, poupando tempo e esforço aos investigadores. | |
Webinar CIÊNCIAVITAE at Universidade Aberta
21 October, 2024
On October 14th, the CIÊNCIAVITAE Team conducted a Webinar for Universidade Aberta. The session was aimed at teachers, students, and researchers from UAB and its objective was to empower participants in the use of the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform, a digital service of FCT. A total of 55 participants attended the Webinar. | |
New CIÊNCIAVITAE feature eases bureaucratic burden on researchers
16 September, 2024
The new 'Suggestions' feature of CIÊNCIAVITAE platform revolutionizes the researchers' routine! In just 9 months, the platform has saved more than 7,150 hours of work, which is equivalent to about 100,000 euros (considering an annual salary of 29,000 euros for researchers working 40 hours per week, and an average of 3 minutes spent per record inserted). By automating data entry, the platform frees up hours of work, allowing researchers to focus on their research activities. With this saving of time and resources, scientific productivity in Portugal takes a significant leap. See the full news here! | |
New Feature on CIÊNCIAVITAE: Choose Between Full Name or Abbreviated Name
5 August, 2024
The CIÊNCIAVITAE platform has implemented a new improvement that allows users to choose whether to display their full name or abbreviated name in their resumes and exported documents. This feature aims to provide greater flexibility and customization in the presentation of scientific profiles. | |
1 August, 2024
In the first semester, six new institutions started using the API service to integrate CIÊNCIAVITAE with their systems: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT), University of Porto – Authenticus, Universidade Aberta (UAb), Center for Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT), Universidade Lusófona (ULusófona), and the Research Center of NOVA School of Law (CEDIS). Want to know more about the API service? Visit the CIÊNCIAVITAE services page or contact us at info@cienciavitae.pt. | |
Include the DOI Identifier of the Funding in your CIÊNCIAVITAE
10 July, 2024
The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) advises researchers to include the DOI identifier of their funding in their curricula on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform. This action is part of the initiative to integrate DOIs in funding records and aims to ensure a clear and unequivocal association between the funding received and the resulting scientific outputs. The DOI should be entered in the project record > "Project Identifiers" field > in the "Projects" functional area or imported directly by the DOI, as illustrated in the image. In the "Outputs" functional area, all articles and outputs resulting from that funding will be entered. There is a field called "Funders Projects," where researchers simply need to associate the project in question with the outputs derived from that funding. | |
Jornadas FCCN 2024
18 April, 2024
The 15th edition of the FCCN Conferences took place from April 15 to 17, 2024, at the Madeira Congress Center and the Pestana Casino Park in Funchal. As in previous years, the Conferences included a PTCRIS session on April 17, which addressed the topic of scientific management information systems. The latest developments in the integration of PTCRIS/CIÊNCIAVITAE into the national academic-scientific ecosystem were presented, along with the advances in SciPROJ and the registration and propagation of DOIs for funding managed by the FCT. Detailed information can be found in the documents "Part I" and "Part II." | |
15 April, 2024
As part of the FCCN Unit's Scientific Computing Conferences, the CIÊNCIAVITAE team, in partnership with ARDITI - Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology, and Innovation, organized a theoretical and practical workshop on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform. The event, held on April 15, 2024, was aimed at the ARDITI and University of Madeira communities. | |
7 February, 2024
The Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (UPT) organized a training session on the national curriculum management platform CIENCIAVITAE on February 7, 2024. This training was led by the CIÊNCIAVITAE team and aimed to instruct participants on the main functionalities, the steps involved in creating, and the ongoing management of a curriculum on the platform. | |
19 January, 2024
On January 19, 2024, the CIÊNCIAVITAE team conducted a training session on the national curriculum management platform CIENCIAVITAE for the community of the Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (ESHTE). The event aimed to enhance the participants' skills in using the platform for managing their curricula. | |
18 January, 2024
The CIÊNCIAVITAE team and the Library of Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (BIST) organized a training session on the national curriculum management platform CIÊNCIAVITAE on January 18, 2024. The initiative aimed to instruct members of the IST community in the efficient use of the platform for managing their curricula. | |
16 January, 2024
On January 16, 2024, the CIÊNCIAVITAE team conducted an online training session for the Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP) on the national curriculum management platform CIENCIAVITAE. The main objective of the event was to explain the importance of managing, producing, and accessing national scientific activity, as well as to encourage the presence of faculty and researchers on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform. | |
Webinar at MagIC NOVA IMS
15 November, 2023
CIÊNCIAVITAE now suggests!
6 November, 2023
5 years of CIÊNCIAVITAE!
26 September, 2023
Jornadas FCCN 2023
18 July, 2023
Webinars at IST-ULisboa
25 May, 2023
Webinar at ESEP
14 February, 2023
New features!
9 February, 2023
New tools, such as the display of links in the author identifiers, visual identification of institutions/organisations and a new search element for projects and productions have been included. To learn more, click here. To learn more, click here. | |
2 September, 2022
New PTCRIS services
4 August, 2022
Jornadas FCCN 2021
7 June, 2022
New services!
25 May, 2022
Curricula Management
30 November, 2021
The appointment of a curriculum manager depends now on the acceptance of the invitation by the appointed manager. It also becomes possible for a CV manager to revoke access to a given CV. Access the Curricula Management tool, available from the main menu and see the new features. | |
Jornadas FCCN 2021
28 October, 2021
Another edition of Jornadas de Computação Científica took place between the 19th and 21st of October. All the news concerning CIÊNCIAVITAE were presented at the PTCRIS session and can be found both in Part I (starting on page 67) and Part II - portuguese only. | |
Goodbye DeGóis and FCT|SIGcv
14 September, 2021
In September, we say goodbye to CIÊNCIAVITAE's predecessor curriculum management systems: DeGóis and FCT|SIGcv. Altough is no longer possible to import the information registered in these systems, synchronization with ORCiD and importing data from RENATES (thesis), PRIES (teaching and education activities), RCAAP (publications in repositories) and SciPROJ (scientific funding in Portugal) is still available. The Import Wizard is available in the upper right corner of the curriculum editor. |
14 September, 2021
João Mendes Moreira, Director of the Scientific Knowledge Area at FCT talks with Iolanda Ferreira about CIÊNCIAVITAE. See the full interview here (available only in portuguese). | |
Now, CIÊNCIAVITAE also informs
13 September, 2021
CIÊNCIAVITAE is now closer to its users! Find out here the latest news on this platform: new features, improvements, outreach actions, etc. | |